Sunday, October 19, 2008

Pall Malls and Crack, Always a good decision!

"I dont get it.", Said Ross, turning to Calvin as they drove down route 132 in the "Rossmobile".  "I mean, why would she just take all of the Pall Malls?  Why not a more expensive brand of cigarette"?

"I dont know, it all look spretty fishy to me." Answered Calvin, who was less than impressed with waking up at this un-godly hour of the morning to go and spy on his superintendant.  "She has something up her sleeve that might rival her last attempt at geting rid of us."  Calvin was remembering certain events of the past summer, where Tammy had secretly armed Ross's cigars with what she thought was gunpowder.  On the contrary, it was PCP powder and Ross now had a slight twitch when he watched TV for a length of mroe than an hour.

"What makes you think she's trying to get rid of us?  I thought her goal was o take over the world!"

"Right, but in order to do so, she has to get rid of us first.  She knows this, and im pretty sure Mr. Prince knows it too.  They may seem like they're crazy, but when they put their heads together they can do some pretty scary stuff."

Meanwhile, Back at the SAU office...

"When should we put this into action?" asked Tammy, who was rather groggy from staying up all night, re-engineering what would soon be Ross's cigarettes.

"When we finish, my dear." answered Mr. Prince, who was not at all tired, thanks to three sugar pills and a Red Bull.  "The best part has yet to come!"

"What do you mean?" asked Tammy, slightly bewildered that after ten hours of work there would still be more to do.  "Isn't filling a carton of cigarettes with some crack enough to put him out of comission?"

"Not at all, Not at all."  Mr. Prince turned around in his chair, now facing the opposite wall, and wrote something in on his "chart for world domination".  "They are very sneaky individuals, Ross and Calvin, and even if one goes down, the other must go too!"

"So when are we gonna that?" asked Tammy, who was growing mroe and more impatient with every minute of lost sleep.  

There was no answer.  Mr. Prince had crashed from all of the sugar pills and the Red Bull, he would not be awaken for some time.  Tammy decided to go home and get some sleep, so she got up and exited Mr. Prince's office.  Upon her entry into the conference room, she noticed that Rizzo was still sitting in her seat, apparently nobody had told her that the meeting of night prior had been adjourned.

"Oh, come on, Rizzo!" she said, disappointed that Rizzo apprently lacked that much intelligence.  "The meeting was over hours ago!"

"What?" droned Rizzo, from her seat at the far end of the table,  "Hey!  Where did everybody go?"

"Oh For Christ's Sake!" Yelled Tammy.  Why did she always have to be the responsible parent at these meetings?  "Go Home!".  Rizzo gathered up her things and climbed into her vehicle, she thought that it must be getting late, but was bewildered that it was light outside upon her exiting the building.

"I could have sworn it was nighttime!" she thought out loud.

Ross and Calvin drove closer and closer to the school, closer and closer to their possible fate...

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