Friday, October 17, 2008

The Plan...

When we last left our heroes, they were enjoying the great taste of Burger King inside of their 1984 Bronco.  We now join them back at their apartment...

" Im still hungry." stated Ross, rather loudly as to be heard over the blaring noise of Calvin's Simpsons episode.  "Wanna go back and buy more?"

"I think the government would frown on you using all of our welfare money to buy Burger King, Ross."  Calvin said back, without taking his eyes off of Bart's antics.  "There are plenty of Ramen noodles in cupboard"

"Im getting mighty sick of those noodles" He answered, as he reluctantly took a package out of the cupboard, which contained mostly more noodles, accompanied by an old jar of Peanut Butter that came with the apartment, and some moldy bread that they intended to throw away every week, but always forgot.  Ross remembered once, but decided to leave it anyway just to keep the fun going.  It was all they had.

The last time we saw Tammy, she was driving away from her dubious accomplishment of stealing every Pall Mall in the Citgo station.  We now join her at her lair....

Tammy dialed the familiar seven digit number into her home phone, and listened for a voice on the other end.

"Hello?" said a groggy LaCheapo

"Hey, it's me" answered Tammy.  "I got the Pall Malls"

"What?" asked LaCheapo, confused.  "I didnt know you smoked."

"I Dont!  Its all part of the plan, remember?"

"What plan?" asked LaCheapo, who was now realizing that he had been awoken for no particular reason.  "Is there any reason this couldn't have waited until sometime later in the morning than one o clock?"

"You Fool!" she yelled, growing very aggravated.  "Have you forgotten the plan already?"

"There was no plan!  There was no plan at all!!  YOU are the fool here, Tammy!  YOU are!  This is the most fucking ridiculous ting i have ever heard in my entire life!  I have just been woken up for a worthless phone call about Pall Malls and your global conquest plan!  First of all there is no plan!  Second of all, how the hell do you tie in Pall Malls with global conquest?  Im going to bed!" He slammed the receiver down and rolled over in his bed.  He never got back to sleep.

Tammy was annoyed, but she knew there was someone who would understand her plan. she dialed Mr. Prince's number, but there was no answer.  She then tried his office number.

"Hello?" said a startled Mr. Prince

"Hey", answered Tammy.  " I got Pall Malls"

"Good, Good.  Now Bring them here and we'll decide how to put this in action"

"I'll be over in a few, i just have to eat something before i head out."



"Dont forget those Pall Malls."

"Okay, I'll see you soon."



"We're going to take over the world!"

1 comment:

The Pirate Queen said...

LOL...the question is, would LaCheapo ever speak to his head honcho in such a way?

...and what exactly is this plan?

It's going to be fun finding out.