Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The League of Extraordinary Nitwits

The league of extraordinary nitwits sat around their rectangular table, silently awaiting an appearance from their leader.  The room was cold, as they had decided they could save tax dollars by not heating the building enough to feel warm during the cold, New Hampshire Winters.

After fifteen minutes or so of silence, someone spoke.

"So, What are we gonna do tonight?" asked Tammy from her shady corner of the table.  As soon as these words were spoken, a head popped out from the door of an office.

"The same thing we do every night, Tammy", Said that grey haired, moustachioed man as he peered from behind the safety of his office door.  "We're going to take over THE WORLD!!"

The grey haired man quickly rolled his chair back into his office and began typing away, occasionally pausing to add to a diagram that he kept on the wall.  This man's name was Mr. Prince. He had long been the leader of the league of extraordinary nitwits, and they all respected him.  Not in the way that the apostles respected Jesus, but in the way that you respect your crazy old uncle who has begun to suffer from dementia.

"That's too bad" said LaCheapo.  "It's really too bad that he's gotten like this.  Does anybody else think it might be time to look into alternative living for him?"  LaCheapo was tall, and built.  By definition, he had no real say in any of the leagues affairs, but for the most part he controlled the actions of Rizzo, who was third in command behind Tammy and Mr. Prince.  Rizzo had long brown hair, and often had no clue what was going on.  She generally greeted people with a big, fake smile, and then proceeded to forget the entire encounter within a matter of minutes.  She was, for the most part, worthless.

"Im not sure if he's so crazy after all." said Tammy,  "He may be on to something.  I mean, how cool would it be to take over the world?".  The other members took a second for some deep thought, but most of them were not actually thinking about the consequences of taking over the world.  They were thinking about the repercussions of disagreeing with Tammy.  The only one who was thinkig logically was LaCheapo, who was thinking about how cool it would be to take over the world.  The league unanimously agreed.

Strange things were afoot at SAU 59, and it was only the beginning

1 comment:

The Pirate Queen said...


I laughed out loud on more than one occasion.

Your descriptions of people's foibles are utterly fantastic and I love reading your stuff.


P.S. Sucking at life is okay, as long as I can read stuff like this.