Monday, October 13, 2008

The Rite-Aid Theory

I really enjoy playing Sim City.  I think everyone should play it.

I found out how to take screenshots of the game while im playing it, so i will have to post some pictures of the city im working on so everyone can see how cool it is.

its not really that cool.


I have also been trying to write a book recently, but i never have the time to sit down and actually think about what i want to write, and then write it.  Blogging is easy because i dont have to think about what i want to write before i write it, i just write what comes to mind.

Today i had to take my grandmother to Rite-Aid, then Hannaford.  I wish i worked at Rite-Aid sometimes, as long as i wasnt in the actual pharmacy.  Think about it, who actually goes to Rite-Aid to get more than just a prescription?  Hardly anyone.  I would bring a book to read, sit down in an uncomfortable chair, and read the shift away.  At least this is what the manager does at the Rite-Aid in Franklin, but I've already discussed how classy Franklin is.

Sometimes i wish i smoked cigarettes, simply so that i could have five minutes now and again where i can let the Pall Malls do the talking.

But Pall Malls dont talk.

Maybe this is a good thing?

"Pall Malls are just a classy way to commit suicide"
-Kurt Vonnegut


The Pirate Queen said...

Good point about the Pall Malls... the only problem is, if you used half of your 10 minute break to smoke a Pall Mall, what would you do with the other five minutes?


Take over the world perhaps?

Kerry said...

..I actually bought stuff at Rite Aid. In Franklin, no less, when I lived up there. I would buy things like TwinLab AminoFuel and Glutamine supplements and Accelerade protein infused electrolyte replacement drink. And a Sally Hansen Salon Results At Home Bikini Waxing kit.

The Pirate Queen said...

Personally, the only thing I ever bought at the Franklin Rite-Aid was snacks for my AP class.

The place was always quiet as a tomb...

Aaron and Ethan Shea's older brother Dustin used to work there, and he always reminded me of Robin Williams in that movie 24 Hour Photo... only funny and a lot less creepy.

Nivlac: Doer of Deeds said...


i buy root beer there sometimes. They have cheap soday in 3 liter bottles for ninety nine cents