Sunday, October 12, 2008

Franklin: God's Accident

This morning, i shall prepare for what inevitably comes every Sunday afternoon.  Work at the Whopper Factory from 12-4.  I know that i dont really have anything to complain about, its only four hours, plus most of my friends dont even have a job, so i should be greatfeul.  hah.  who am i kidding?  I work at fucking Burger King.

However, there may be hope after all.  I got an aplication at Subway yesterday, and i have full intentions of filling it out and handing it in.  I was actually planning on dropping it off before work today, but im stil in bed with no intetnions of moving. 

Maybe I'll get it over there eventually.

Here's the catch with Subway.  The good Subway in Tilton doesnt hire anyone under the age of eighteen, so i was forced to get an application at the sketchy Subway in Franklin.  Nothing in Franklin is nice.  The skatepark is a piece if crap, the playgrounds ar crappy, the school system is crappy, the gas stations have cheap gas, but they are so scary that i would rather pay a dime more per gallon in tilton.

Franklin is stuck in the old testament.  Even after the rest of the world (excluding Sudan, Somalia, Mongolia, and Detroit) has moved onto a forgiving God, who is merciful in every way, Franklin still gets tons of shit from God.

Maybe Franklin was the accident child of New Hampshire.  That's not to say that its the only accident child, just the one that everybody frgot about.  Because honestly, if you look at Manchester, it's quite obvious that it's just an accident that was loved.

My God i ramble.

Time to face the world.


The Pirate Queen said...

"Franklin is stuck in the old testament"

LOL--that's hilarious...

It's funny 'cause it's true.

When a guy I know dates a girl from Franklin and it ends badly, I always refer to it as "So-and-So's Franklin Experiment"

Nivlac: Doer of Deeds said...

hahaha, does a certain someone that rhymes with rory come to mind?