Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Tobacco Debate

I have a problem with soemthing.  I know, I know, I havealot of problems, but this one is a big one.  I dont understand why the United STates GOvernment insists upon stopping the tobacco industry from advertising anywhere besides Playboy and Maxim.

The problem is, we live ina capitalist society.  Therefore, there should be little to no governemnt interference with economics.  I understand that there has to be a minimum wage and a few tariffs and embargoes here and there, but for the most  part, the government should keep their paws out of the economy.

That being said, the government is attempting to cripple an industry that created America.  WIthout Tobacco, there would have been no succesful colony at Jamestown, which would have crippled immigration to North America, and we would probably still be a very backwards nation.

Anyway, Tobacco shouldnt be treated any differently than any other industry.  Would it be fair to stop Fisher Price from advertising their baby toys on television?  NO!! Plus, it is ridiculous that the government has never done anything to inhibit the sales of beer.  The equation seems backwards here.  The reason being is that cigarettes do not cloud ones judgement, they dont make you a different person, and someone who smokes a lot of cigarettes is a whole lot different than a person who drinks alot of beer.

That's not to say that alcohol advertising should be prohibited either.  We live in (what was once) a true capitalist society, and in order to pull ourselves out of this mess, the government needs to keep their grubby little fingers out of economics, becasue the Bush administration clearly knows nothing about it.

Im done ranting. 

If you actually read this whole thing, Im very sorry.

Im gonna go play Sim City,


The Pirate Queen said...

I find myself in complete agreement with you on this one.

The bottom line is, tobacco is LEGAL. Therefore, why is it such a horrible thing to advertise it?

Yet again, our government, in their "infinite wisdom" chooses to legislate against human stupidity.

If I choose to smoke, regardless of the fact that I know it is bad for me, that is my choice. Unless tobacco is outlawed, the government should allow the companies to advertise. I have a hard time believing that most kids who start smoking do it because of advertising.


Let people be stupid... you can't make a law against that...

...Or can you? Hmmmm...

Nivlac: Doer of Deeds said...

hahahahahahahahaha, a law against stupidity, i should make a post about that someday.

Im bound and determined to post some controversial stuff, that way a whole crapload of people will read my blog, further hurling me towards my life goal of being a mini-celebrity.

The Pirate Queen said...

I'll do whatever I can to help out with that... I've already posted a link on my blog...perhaps that will get you a few views.

and mention it on facebook, that might help too.

You've got mad skills my friend. you must use them in our fight for world domination.


Nivlac: Doer of Deeds said...

"The Same thing we do every night, Tammy" SAId Larry Prince, during a rare appearance from behind his office doors. "We're Going To Take Over The World!!"

The Pirate Queen said...


The idea of the two of them as Pinky and The Brain is friggin PERFECT!

It's your best work EVER.